Chekhov e-book search now available on the web!

We have updated the Chekhov website to include the ability to search for e-books!

Search results can be filtered by language and rating and sorted by name, date and rating.

*The language filter identifies the e-book controls, not necessarily the language in which story is authored.

You can also see more details about each e-book, including direct links to the Windows and Windows Phone versions of the e-book as well as to a PPTX version which has embedded audio and is print-ready


Newly published stories are available in search results within a day of it being available in the store.

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Lit4Life website update!

We have completed an update to the website to include the latest educational offerings!

Digital Education Services

The Website now has a section devoted to the new Digital Education Services!

DES is an easy way to get to fun educational applications that allow teachers and students to excel. DES can be used to access all of the best from the Microsoft Learning Community. Making learning fun and easy means better learning results!

With access to 9 services including Chekhov Story Author, Microsoft Math, World Reader and more, DES delivers great educational apps available in a convenient location. This allows for simple access and consistency for students, while providing an easy to manage way to make quality applications available to teachers.

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